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Starting Cave Diving With IANTD Agency

Starting cave diving with IANTD agency Formerly reserved for a small minority of extreme divers, underwater diving is becoming increasingly popular, thanks in particular to the social networks on which more and more photos and videos circulate all the more attractive one than the others. The "cave diving" opens up new opportunities for exploration, another… Keep Reading

Posted on in Tech

Increase safety with mixtures: the Trimix

We have seen in a previous article (see “Increasing safety with mixtures: nitrox”) the advantages of diving with a super-oxygenated mixture. We also described the limits because it does not allow to go very deep (ppO2 too high). So we will try to make you understand the advantages of the trimix and somewhat its mode… Keep Reading

Posted on in Beginners/Equipment/Tech

The sidemount: for what?

You have most certainly crossed under the water lately or seen video or photos of strange divers without bottles on the back but arranged on the sides. Well the sidemount (SM) is this, finally it is not just the position of the blocks. The sidemount is a fully developed and fine technique, coming from the… Keep Reading

Posted on in Equipment/Tech

The sidemount: how?

We will try to explain a little in this article how we plunge concretely into sidemount (SM). Unlike what one might think one does not invent one dive sidemount one morning when waking up. Although accessible to beginners from Level 1 or Open Water, the DM requires minimal training, practice and knowledge of specific safety… Keep Reading

Posted on in Equipment/Tech

Rebreather: advantages & disadvantages

Rebreather diving is part of the Tek dive (see « What is Tek or Technical Diving ? »), It is the bubble-free side of the dive. You think that with a bottle of scuba diving you would enter the world of silence, and well the truth is that you must try a recycler to enter totally… Keep Reading

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