Equipment - page 2

Posted on in Equipment/Tech

Which method of mooring the line choose in cave diving?

From rifi line... to the land of cavernophiles! (Article archive of Frank VASSEUR published in the October-October issue of Octopus magazine) The current enthusiasm for underwater diving, stimulated by digital communication, its development beyond the circle of passionate explorers, has globalized information, techniques and knowledge. Practitioners from the same activity, working in distinct areas of… Keep Reading

Posted on in Beginners/Equipment

Buying advice for a computer

We will try to advise you and even refer the choices of the more experienced divers.There is a very wide range of diving computers available. We will see what for us must enter first into your choice. In our humble opinion there is no point in putting a lot of money into your first dive… Keep Reading

Posted on in Equipment

The dry suit

Imagine : The absence of water circulating in the suit, we are dry, we put warm clothes underneath, some even have electric heating jackets! Waterproof gloves are also available to protect hands from contact with water. In a waterproof suit, it is not hot, but it is less cold.In fact, it is cooled about 20 times… Keep Reading

Posted on in Beginners/Equipment/Tech

The sidemount: for what?

You have most certainly crossed under the water lately or seen video or photos of strange divers without bottles on the back but arranged on the sides. Well the sidemount (SM) is this, finally it is not just the position of the blocks. The sidemount is a fully developed and fine technique, coming from the… Keep Reading

Posted on in Equipment/Tech

The sidemount: how?

We will try to explain a little in this article how we plunge concretely into sidemount (SM). Unlike what one might think one does not invent one dive sidemount one morning when waking up. Although accessible to beginners from Level 1 or Open Water, the DM requires minimal training, practice and knowledge of specific safety… Keep Reading

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