Posted on in Environement

The Brown Grouper, treasure of the Mediterranean

Did you know that the Mediterranean is a biodiversity hotspot? Representing in surface area 0.82% of the world’s oceans, the Mediterranean sea is home to 9% of the world’s biodiversity. Diving in the Mediterranean sea means having the chance to meet a Mobula ray, a Mola mola, a Blue Skin shark including the possibility to… Keep Reading

Posted on in Environement/Environment

Posidonia, A marine plant with multiple powers

Being ocean lovers like us, we cannot ignore it. Green in the water, dried up on our beaches, giving us an unpleasant sensation on our legs when we get out from our swim, Posidonia is the lung of the Earth! Often named by default “Algae”, it remains nevertheless a marine plant. This invaluable and irreplaceable… Keep Reading

Posted on in Culture

John Franklin’s Arctic Expedition

From Jules Vernes until today, the dream of excursion and the quest of finding new land have always driven explorers to strive further to discover new tales and revolutionize history. What happened to the sailors on the expedition of HMS Erebus and Terror, who mysteriously disappeared 170 years ago while crossing Arctic waters along the… Keep Reading

Posted on in Beginners/Culture/Environement/News

HappyToDive – New game for desaturation

En cette période de confinement à cause du Covid19 vous êtes certainement en manque de plongée. Grâce à Michel DE WAEL et son jeu innovant nous vous présentons une solution pour réviser vos connaissances, vous divertir et même participer à la construction de ce projet. Nous vous laissons découvrir de quoi il s’agit au travers… Keep Reading

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